Tuesday, October 16, 2012

for the love of words.

celebrate |ˈseləˌbrāt|
verb [ trans. ]mark a significant or happy day or event.• [ intrans. do something enjoyable to mark such an occasion she celebrated with a glass of champagne.• reach (a birthday or anniversary). honor or praise publicly a film celebrating the actor's career [as adj. (celebrateda celebrated mathematician.DERIVATIVEScelebrator |-ˌbrātər| nouncelebratory |səˈlebrəˌtôrē; ˈseləbrə-|adjectiveORIGIN late Middle English (sense 2: from Latin celebrat- ‘celebrated,’ from the verbcelebrare, from celeber, celebr- ‘frequented or honored.’

...so. here i am, breaking the cardinal rule of blogging, and putting up another post on one day. why, you ask, would i dare to do such a thing? well... simply, for the love of words.see, i just discovered that today - October 16th - is NATIONAL DICTIONARY DAY in the USA. 
NATIONAL DICTIONARY DAY, guys! how amazing is that?! as an avid reader, i've always been a wordie; i'm crazy about discovering new words, their meanings and their origins. when i was in school, i'd often flip open the dictionary and start reading random definitions; heck, i still do that! so i couldn't pass up the opportunity to celebrate National Dictionary Day, albeit in the small little way that i can.and what is that, you might wonder? well, i'm going to introduce you to some pretty amazing words that i'll bet you never knew existed ;) Karen To, a graphic designer, started a project called The Dead Words in 2010, where she illustrates words that were once used in everyday English and are now uncommon, often no longer found in dictionaries and basically on the point of extinction.so how about...
Coquinate (koh-kee-nit) v.1656-1658, to behave as a cook
Example: Martha may seem to be able to coquinate, but her actions are highly scripted..
Lettering by Rebecca Duff-Smith
Findible (fahyn-dee-buhl) adj.1656-1790, able to be cleft or split
Example: This pie is perfectly findible, if we can agree to some simple rules for cutting it.
Lettering by Abbe Sublett
Famelicose ( fuh-Mel-i-kohs), adj. 1730-1775; often or very hungry.
Lettering by Karen To (this, by the way, is the STORY OF MY LIFE.)
Gaudiloquent (goh-DIL-uh-kwuhnt), adj. 1656-1727; speaking joyfully or on joyful matters
Lettering by Karen To
Stigmatypy(stig-mat-tahy-pee) n.1852-1852, printing portraits using dots of different sizes
Example: The use of stigmatypy takes enormous effort, but provides little artistic benefit.
 Lettering by Karen To

Sinapistic(sin-uh-piz-tik) adj.1879-1879, consisting of mustard
Example: The chef’s sinapistic sauces delighted connoisseurs of French cuisine.
Lettering by Hilka Riba
Oporopolist (oh-pawr-po-.list )n. 1671 -1725; A fruit-seller.
Lettering by Karen To
Yex (yesk) n. 700-1828; a hiccup or the hiccups.
Lettering by Karen To
Vicambulate(vi-kam-bul-eyt) v.1873-1873, to walk about in the streets
Example: Would you care to vicambulate with me on this fine evening, my dear?
Lettering by Anne Ulku
Quod (kwad), n. 1690-1700; Prison, the state of imprisonment, Also prison.
Lettering by Karen To
Jussulent (jus-soo-lent) adj.1656-1658, full of broth or soup
Example: The bubbling of the jussulent cauldron and the crackling of the campfire soothed her.
Lettering by Chris Mizen

pretty awesome, huh? :D now it's time for me to get some sleep, but HAPPY DICTIONARY DAY and don't forget to learn some new words!

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