taking a note out of Annie's book, here's a list of things and people i'm presently in love with.
but then again, when am i NOT in complete adoration of ModCloth? blast. they are fantastico.
sticking to the clothing theme, i have to tell you about how overwhelmingly in love i am with
SHIRT.WOOT right now. i will not say anymore... i will simply demonstrate. here are my two favey designs...

for real.
thirdly, i am crazy about the beautiful
DAISY LOVE. ohaai. this is Daisy.
she's 6 and has cancer... and she is the best. i stumbled over her tumblr one day and started keeping up with how she's doing - the best news is that they've removed her tumor, which shrank from the size of a large grapefruit to the size of a shrivelled tangerine segment. she's so full of joy and happiness and i simply love her to pieces. join me in continued prayer for her, won't you?
i'm also pretty excited about
THE WHEATFIELD, which is pretty much a beautiful collection of artwork and illustrations done by the super talented Katie Daisy. zurks! i discovered her etsy shop yesterday. and i want all of her prints now!
they are phenomenal, are they not? ...yup.
and now, onward and upward, to literature. THE BFG could easily be the best book of all time.
Roald Dahl is pretty much my literary hero, and if you haven't read The BFG, or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or Danny, Champion of the World, or The Twits... ah, man. i feel sorry for you. while perusing the bookstore at the airport a couple weeks ago, after bidding my sister a fond farewell, my mom told me to pick out a book... and d'you want to know what i chose? well, SNOZZCUMBERS! ...heh.
and speaking of books...
i think i bought FLIPPED by Wendelin van Draanen when i was in Grade 8. and i still love it, and it is still legit. (plus, my book has a blue cover... which just makes it all the more awesome, trust me.) and now i hear that it has been made into a movie! and directed by the same man who directed The Princess Bride!! ...yeah, i got a little excited. sort of like this.
no biggie.
so anyway, if you haven't read it, please find yourself a copy and get to reading... pronto.
in other news,
ALEX PETTYFER has been making me grin foolishly lately.

...and don't tell me i'm just following trends. i have loved him long time, since Alex Rider days! with that amazing British accent and that fantastic smile and, um, you know, his general perfect-ness... how can anyone NOT love him? *swoons* (funnily enough, the muy attractive photo of Alex i found online tonight simply refuses to upload. i hold that Blogger just can't deal with his gorgeousness, but hey... we'll just have to live with one photo.)
and last, but most definitely not least, may i introduce to you the man who was been soothing my weary eardrums... Mr JOSHUA RADIN.
i can't say enough good stuff about him. please go listen to When You Find Me and Someone Else's Life, which both featured on the soundtrack of Adam. oh, and if you haven't watched Adam... well. you simply must. Josh is also the man behind Paperweight... aka the best best thing about Dear John. (kay, it tied with Channing Tatum.) he sings with Schuyler Fisk on that song, and it's pretty much perfection. *sigh of bliss*
there you have it, friendlies! and now?
exit, pursued by a bear!