hey y'all! HAPPY FRIDAY! *does happy dance* hope you're all fabulous.
for the past week, my lovely
Lauren (whom you should follow... just sayin') has been posting different "top tens" of hers. i absolutely adored this idea, but didn't have a great deal of time to do something that required massive thought. and then i was browsing through all of the
delightful dresses on
ModCloth and was thinking about how amazing they all were, and,
lightbulb! i had it. i'd do a ModCloth dress top ten! and all would be right in the world!...
well, no. all wouldn't be right in the world. but still.
so, here you have it - my MODCLOTH DRESS TOP TEN!
(by the way... they aren't ranked. i could only barely choose a top ten, so ranking them would just make me cry. yes.)
10. the valerie june dress
doesn't this dress just make you want to get up and dance with delight? i simply love polka dots. and it's in black and white. and it's classy, yet cute at the same time. aaah!
9. the posie a question dress
i can't get over how incredibly adorable this dress is. i know i said that i couldn't rank these dresses any further than selecting a top 10, but if i was absolutely FORCED to choose?... this'd probably be my number 1 :)
8. the loch lomond dress
ohaai there, Scottish awesomeness. this dress made me squeal when i first laid eyes upon it! i heart tartan like nobody's business, and the fact that i'm 5/8ths Scottish (i think...?) makes it very appropriate culturally ;)
7. the hyperrealism dress
i love me some roses! of the three dresses that i own (i know, i know...), 100% of them are covered in flowers, and two of the three are covered in ROSES. they just manage to look so beautiful on dresses and in general.
6. the a little indie rock dress
initially, this dress wasn't on my top 10. i had another really incredible dress picked out for this post, but when i went back to ModCloth to save the picture of it... ALAS! ALACK! it had disappeared. sad day. of course, it just meant replacing that dress with another... and this one made the cut. because it is cute - don't you agree? it's so vintage and funky. so, yay for indie rock!
5. the haute house dress
remember how i said i love dresses with flowers all over them? well, it's true. from the moment i laid eyes on this picture, i was taken in - i think it has something to do with the combination of colour and flowers. in any case, i just can't get enough of this dress!
4. the contender dress
ah! i can't get over how adorable this dress is! it makes me think of lazy, happy days, picnics, reading in the park, strolling somewhere with a slight breeze blowing and the sun shining and everything right in the world.
3. the blues sisters dress
this dress is the epitome of cool, calm and collected. and gorgeous, too! it makes me think of one of the dresses Zooey Deschanel wears in (500) Days of Summer (which is, coincidentally, one of my favourite movies of all time. you know.) so that makes the dress even more marvellous! anyone else see the similarities?
2. the band of buttons dress
every time i see this dress, i can't help but grin. honestly, it's one of the cutest things i've ever seen... and i've fallen head over heels for it. it makes me think of the Beatles, and Coldplay, and the Ranks - three of the coolest bands to ever walk this earth. and that is the truth :)
1. the balloon ride dress
...and here's the last dress. i know some people would find it garish and terrifying - who knows, you might even think so! but i simply can't get over its funky pattern and bright colours. the design is simply the best and i KNOW that wearing it would make me happy!
so, there you have it - my top ten dresses from ModCloth :) what do YOU think? tell me which ModCloth dresses you love, if any!