Husband the 1st: David Cook.

hello, Mr Smouldering Gaze... of course i am in love with you.

he is the reason i love American Idol.
he is the reason i twist my apple core around 4 times - for "D".

here is a man, friends... an amazing, amazing man. someone with faith, someone with hope, and most definitely someone with love. i think you are sick of me talking about Jamie... so suffice it to say that i think he is wonderful. and the woman whom he gives his heart to will be unbelievably lucky. too bad he is 13 years older than me. dumbspice.

well, hello. reasons Deon Rexroat is Husband #3:
1. the expression on his face in this photo.
2. the shirt he is wearing in this photo. (go here if you don't know what i mean.)
3. he is only the bassist for Anberlin. and bass guitars are only the coolest instruments in the history of instruments. and Anberlin is only one of my very favourite bands of all time. hence, he is basically a cool cat.
he is also very good-looking... but i don't care about that! *ahem*

he's only 2 and a half years older than me.
he has an awesome eyeball. (no, really. one of his pupils looks like it's bleeding into his iris. it's fabulous.)
he's a fruitcake.

he's the first bandmember that Hayley would eat if stuck on a deserted island. i don't know why that makes him cool, but it does. and he burns his marshmallows - the way i always do.
and, he has exactly the same shirt as Deon does, only in reverse!

as though he weren't amazing enough, his name rhymes with *Captain* Jack Sparrow. i came close to dying when i discovered that.
now it's your turn! who're your fake husbands? and what did you learn about me from mine? *grins*