Monday, December 14, 2009
pretty polaroid

Monday, August 10, 2009
it's been a while, hasn't it? don't worry - i understand that you might be angry at me. after all, it's not cool to abandon you for over a month without an explanation. but so much has happened over that month and a bit, so i hope you don't mind me telling you a bit of it....
1. my USA gran and sister came home ...and we had vacation. which was fun, until it ended... if you catch my drift.
2. i went on camp ...which totally rocked the party.
3. i did community service for 10 hours at the Old Age Home in town for a school project. it was a LOT of work, but rewarding in the end.
4. my beautiful Granny Jess passed away. and i miss her very very much.
5. my school held its annual Matric Dance... the Elevensies (Grade 11s) were in charge and i was on the committee. i think we did a fantabulous job. and it was uh-MAY-zing. and my best friend looked beautiful (of course!). and i reallyreallyreally wanted to slow-dance... sucks for me!
6. i got a Tumblr account... and i'm secretly in love with my webpage. go there and tell me you aren't too...
7. i gots noo gadjits. gadjits which i LOVE. one is a purple 8GB iPod nano named melanzana. (which means "eggplant" in Italian, in case you were wondering.) the other is a black-and-orange Sony Ericsson W350i named tangerine. (when i'm feeling South African, i call it naartjie... which means the same as tangerine, but sounds way cooler.) these two gadjits are the love of my life... along with the Nikon camera i got a few months back, which i have named grapefruit for lack of other ideas :) yeah, Hanny likes her gadgets!
8. i went crazy. well, no - not really, yet. but i do have an audition for the role of a girl with MPD for a play that may or may not occur, so i don't know... sounds pretty crazy to me! not to mention the fact that i'm hurtling fast towards the end of Grade 11 and i'm terrified of the idea of next year - being in matric (Gr12) and all. yeek! on Friday this week, i have an interview with the headmaster, some teachers and some current prefects among other people regarding why i want to be a prefect next year, so that should be interesting to say the least!
how are you, blogosphere? keeping well? i hope you didn't mind my AWOL-ness too terribly much. now... i'm back.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
i know my ABC's!
Monday, June 15, 2009
cool things.

now, onto the cool things!
last Thursday, the 4th, just so happened to be my fake-fiance Zac Farro's BIRTHDAY! he is all of nineteen years old now.
yes......Zac eats garden gnomes for breakfast.
Happy Birthday for Thursday the 4th, dearest Zachary!
with love and kisses, Hanny.
when i was looking through the images on Google for photos of the abovementioned young man for my last blog post, i came across this darling photo. it made me want to scream because of its fabulosity. don't argue.

am i the only one in the world who wishes to be Hayley Williams?
i mean, am i?
here is another cool thing.
Springleap is an idea that was started by some awesome peeps in South Africa in an attempt to recreate the way artists in this country and around the world gain recognition. the basic premise is that anyone with creative ideas can submit them as a t-shirt design; all of these designs are then voted on by the public through the website. *to find out more about this fantastic venture, go here*

yes - i am in love with Etsy. do you want to see why?

here are a few other dresses i fell for.
these two tea dresses were designed and made by Louise Hedley, and i basically adore them.
this blue tulip dress, designed and made by Jacqui Cheng, also caught my eye. i love wearing things that are blue, and i heart the design of this dress, so it was basically love at first sight :)

1st: remember how, a few posts ago, i mentioned i was desperate for a pair of red skinny jeans? well, on the 11th of May, i got out from school really late and phoned my mom to fetch me. when she arrived at the school, i opened the passenger door and nearly sat on a package. my mind right then was thinking something along the lines of WHAT.THE.FREAK? i examined the package. it had my name on it. *squee!* and it was from my sister. *double-squee!* i tore it open. the most beautiful pair of red skinny jeans lay on my lap. i swear, i came close to dying of happiness.
just more evidence that i have the best sister in the whole entire world.
2nd: a week ago, some really close friends of my family from Atlanta, Georgia came out for a visit. (they are basically the shizz nizz. true story.) with them, they brought:
Stephen - the son in the equation - goes to Princeton. he is awesome, and so he brought 2 Princeton hoodies - one for me, and one for Sinderella.
i'm down with being Ivy League Ghetto, yo. you should be scurred. fo' shizzle.
yesss... i said "Vera Bradley". as in, only the most uh-MAY-zin' bags in the world. check out the cuteness! each design of bag has a different girl's name. d'you want to guess what mine is called?
well, of course it's the Hannah bag :)
3rd: this past Sunday was my dad's birthday. (Happy birthday, Dad!) so, to celebrate in style, we went drove 2 hours to Gateway, the Mecca of Shopping in these-here parts. and what did i spot there, but the most ridiculously fabulous hat of all time. take a look for yourself:
naturally, i had to get it. guess who shall have warm ears this winter?!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
my husbands.
Husband the 1st: David Cook.

hello, Mr Smouldering Gaze... of course i am in love with you.

he is the reason i love American Idol.
he is the reason i twist my apple core around 4 times - for "D".

here is a man, friends... an amazing, amazing man. someone with faith, someone with hope, and most definitely someone with love. i think you are sick of me talking about Jamie... so suffice it to say that i think he is wonderful. and the woman whom he gives his heart to will be unbelievably lucky. too bad he is 13 years older than me. dumbspice.

well, hello. reasons Deon Rexroat is Husband #3:
1. the expression on his face in this photo.
2. the shirt he is wearing in this photo. (go here if you don't know what i mean.)
3. he is only the bassist for Anberlin. and bass guitars are only the coolest instruments in the history of instruments. and Anberlin is only one of my very favourite bands of all time. hence, he is basically a cool cat.
he is also very good-looking... but i don't care about that! *ahem*

he's only 2 and a half years older than me.
he has an awesome eyeball. (no, really. one of his pupils looks like it's bleeding into his iris. it's fabulous.)
he's a fruitcake.

he's the first bandmember that Hayley would eat if stuck on a deserted island. i don't know why that makes him cool, but it does. and he burns his marshmallows - the way i always do.
and, he has exactly the same shirt as Deon does, only in reverse!

as though he weren't amazing enough, his name rhymes with *Captain* Jack Sparrow. i came close to dying when i discovered that.
now it's your turn! who're your fake husbands? and what did you learn about me from mine? *grins*
Friday, April 17, 2009
love it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My Life Of Late